FREE Video Reveals 6 Reasons Why You Must Check Out CopyGenerators For Yourself!


Today, more than ever, creating marketing that gets the attention of your target market and gets them to respond is critical.  We all know what it’s like out there and the challenges we all face in getting our message heard and acted on.

And while there are many “shiny objects” that promise to solve this, in my opinion you should never discount the tried and true strategies successful marketers have used in the past.  This is why CopyDoodles® have proven to be so successful.  I did not invent the concept of handwritten margin notes and doodles for adding attention-grabbing, response-boosting power.  I simply made it drop-dead easy for ANYBODY to do in their marketing.

With the opening of the brand new CopyDoodles Access Club later this month, I am taking the power of CopyDoodles to a whole new level.  One simply unmatched by any other site or product out there – bar none, but also deeply rooted to proven, emotional direct response marketing.  This site has the power to transform your marketing and I am going to show you exactly how in this series of videos.

If you haven’t already, check out to see my overview videos under “Demos.”

Today’s video shows you the power of my enhanced CopyGenerators.  CopyGenerators allow you to create customized and personalized marketing graphics that stand out and get the attention of your readers online or offline.

There’s truly nothing like my CopyGenerators out there.  Check out this short video to see for yourself.

Here’s a quick list of the improvements we’ve made:

•    Improved CopyBubble Generator allows you to create “bubble text” on-the-fly

•    Enhanced CopyButton Generator features more Web button styles and the ability to easily customize every feature of the buttons, including the ability to have handwriting on your buttons!

•    Our new CopyDoodle Generator allows you to create your own CopyDoodles instantly via a brand new “what you see is what you get” feature.

•    Improved CopyNotes Generator allows you to create handwritten notes on a variety of new background images and even easier to use!

•    Enhanced CopyStamps Generator allows you to create simulated rubber stamps in seconds!  You can now see your CopyStamp before downloading and even add a “worn” look to your stamp.

•    With our famous CopyComic Generator, you can create customized, attention-grabbing (and fun) comics with just a few clicks!

I invite you to take a few minutes and check out my latest video to see each of these in action and leave me a note about your thoughts on our new CopyGenerators.  One lucky person, who leaves a comment, will win a full-blown version of my Copy Booster Profit Secrets course valued at $497.  Check it out now at:



  1. Sukuma on September 1, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    Mike you just keep making things better and better. I’ve been a member of copyboosters site for awhile now and let me tell you the response I am getting now for my direct mailings as double from using your infomation. Thanks so much for giving us small business owns the edge.

    Sukuma Avery

  2. Mike Capuzzi on September 1, 2010 at 2:48 pm

    Sukuma, thank you for your note!

  3. Jan on September 1, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    Great addition to marketing letters. What a difference from a plain letter.

  4. Chris on September 1, 2010 at 10:01 pm

    Brilliant! Got my attention…

  5. Lois Puttbach on September 2, 2010 at 10:10 am

    Great enhancements! Especially like being able to customize our Copydoodles for specific occasions.

  6. Chad Michael on September 2, 2010 at 11:02 am

    Being able to make your own stamp is just fricking cool!

  7. Shauna on September 2, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    Love the Social Doodles!

  8. Linda Steele Thom on September 2, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    It’s amazing, Mike, to see how far you’ve come with CopyDoodles! We’ve been with you since the beginning, and look forward to the tweaks and improvements you continue to make to your unique “little” product. Well, I’d better get back to writing our September promo letter. . .and decide which CopyDoodles I’ll include!

    Linda Steele Thom
    Mail Marketing Plus, Inc.

  9. Linda Steele Thom on September 3, 2010 at 2:39 pm


    Thanks to you, I created my first Gravatar yesterday! What a cool little tool. Question: why is your Gravatar photo so large (compared with the rest of ours)?


  10. Henry Evans on September 3, 2010 at 6:55 pm

    Hey Mike, this is great stuff! You are the king of “making copywriting fun”.

    OK, I’m ready – upgrade my CopyBoosters to the new Access Club – sign me up, I want it. Always giving more value, love it!

    Have a great Labor Day Weekend,


  11. Mike Capuzzi on September 3, 2010 at 8:47 pm

    Linda, not sure . Maybe because I am the moderator? Thanks for your note!

  12. Mike Capuzzi on September 3, 2010 at 8:47 pm

    Henry – thanks. Got something neat for you at the September mastermind meeting…