28 Types of Pictures for Effective Marketing and Advertising

In the April 2013 issue of my print newsletter, SMART Ideas, I focused the entire issue on the power and use of pictures in your marketing to get attention and make sales.  The correct use of pictures is often an under-utilized, but extremely important topic for smart marketers.

In this article, I’m going to give you 28 ways you can use pictures in your marketing and advertising.  Some of these are time-tested picture types and some are based on my own personal experience and use.

At the end of this article is a link to download a PDF that shows an example of each of these photos (no need to enter your email, just download and profit from it).

If you’re interested in a more in-depth study of using pictures in your marketing, I invite you to check out SMART Ideas at www.smartideasformarketing.com.

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  • Pictures of children and babies
  • Pictures of mothers and babies
  • Pictures of attractive people
  • Pictures of groups of adults
  • Pictures of animals and pets
  • Pictures of sports scenes
  • Pictures of celebrities/famous people
  • Pictures of food
  • Headshots and close-up photos
  • Pictures of people in odd situations or costumes
  • Pictures of romantic situations
  • Pictures of news and current events
  • Power Poses
  • Pictures of you with V.I.P.s
  • Photos of you doing interesting things
  • Panoramic event photos
  • “Special effect” photos
  • Pictures of your product/service
  • Pictures of your product/service in use
  • Pictures of people using your product/service

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  • Pictures showing the reward of using your product/service
  • Pictures showing the effect of NOT using your product/service
  • Before and after photos
  • Enlarged pictures showing details
  • Pictures of you with customers
  • Pictures of employees
  • Historical or legacy photos
  • Pictures of you doing “your thing”


To see an example of each of these, including some classic ads, click here to download a PDF of a presentation I put together for my SMART Ideas subscribers.

If you’re using other types of pictures and photos in your marketing, I would love to hear about it.  Leave a comment below!


  1. Rick De Lima on March 19, 2013 at 9:59 am

    Hey Mike, Great advice. As a copywriter I am always telling my clients to use pictures in their marketing.
    I think people are too caught up in video marketing and every shiny new thing that comes along.
    But I have found people enjoy looking at pictures. When they go away on a holiday what do they do? Why they take tons of pictures. Many of these will end up on Facebook or some other social site.
    Here’s the thing. If marketers would apply these pictures to their online and offline marketing they would find an increase in sales and profitability.
    Pictures have a personal touch and are a great way to build credibility, trust and lasting relationships.

  2. Mike Capuzzi on March 19, 2013 at 11:39 am

    Rick – thanks for the note. I agree with you 100%

  3. Drayton Bird on March 28, 2013 at 3:49 am

    In print the pictures that attract most attention are cartoons. Though of course the ones that are most convincing are photographs. I guess cartoons that move would work amazingly well. I am stupid for not having tried them.

  4. Mike Capuzzi on March 28, 2013 at 8:20 am

    Hi Drayton! Nice to “speak” with you again. Appreciate the fact you are reading my articles, when in fact for years I have read your content!