My Seven Blueprints to Successfully Publish a Paid Newsletter

After months of research and content development, I’m pleased to announce the availability of my seven personal blueprints to successfully publish a paid newsletter in my brand new Subscription Newsletter Success Blueprints course.


Publishing a paid subscription newsletter can be one of the smartest and most profitable things you can do and done right, your newsletter can make you rich and famous. If you’re like me, it’s the “perfect” business, which offers you:

  • The ability to create monthly or annual continuity income
  • A high return on your money and time investment
  • The opportunity to have a monthly conversation with your subscribers
  • The ability to build and leverage your own marketing media (which can become a $$$ asset)
  • A proven media that can be the foundation of a profitable membership program
  • And perhaps the most important benefit, flexibility and freedom to run the business with few (if any) employees, little overhead and around your life!

Subscription Newsletter Success Blueprints is the most comprehensive, in-depth and practical study and how-to guide for any entrepreneur who wants to leverage his or her business expertise, hobby or passion with a paid, print newsletter.




This past October, business owners from all over flew into Philadelphia to spend a day with me learning how to get into the paid subscription newsletter business.  This one day workshop was the culmination of hundreds of hours of research and content development and by the end of the day I had delivered over 1,000 pages of tips, guidelines, marketing examples, newsletter examples, interviews and more.

Unfortunately, there are few resources available showing aspiring publishers how to start and publish a paid newsletter, which is the why I hosted the workshop.  I’ve now taken the best of the best of this workshop and turned it into an easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement home-study course.  There is truly nothing like my Subscription Newsletter Success Blueprints home-study course and I believe it’s my best work ever!

My seven subscription newsletter success blueprints include:

  • Blueprint #1: The Business of Subscription Newsletter Publishing
  • Blueprint #2: Subscription Newsletter Foundation
  • Blueprint #3: Subscription Newsletter Marketing
  • Blueprint #4: Subscription Newsletter Writing
  • Blueprint #5: Subscription Newsletter Design
  • Blueprint #6: Subscription Newsletter Production
  • Blueprint #7: Subscription Newsletter Moneymaking Opportunities

In addition to my own blueprints and marketing examples, which I gave to every attendee, I also included 21 full-issue newsletters from some of the most respected newsletter publishers in the world, including 14 interviews with the likes of:

  • Dan Kennedy
  • Ben Glass
  • Ben Settle
  • Brad Antin
  • Brian Kurtz
  • Chris Mullins
  • Craig Garber
  • Dan Gallapoo
  • Yanik Silver
  • Jerry Jones
  • Ted Nicholas
  • Paul Hartunian
  • Perry Marshall
  • Jon McCulloch

The home-study version of my workshop is huge!


There are four printed, coil-bound books, totaling over 1,000 pages of content, marketing examples, newsletter examples and word-for-word transcripts. Every slide, example word-for-word transcript is included and these books will be priceless when it comes to seeing actual examples and ideas for your newsletter.



There are 11 audio CDs and one video CD and the video CD contains my entire video presentation of the seven blueprints, so you can see everything the workshop attendees experienced.


Finally, there is your personal Newsletter Blueprint, which will allow me to help you get your subscription newsletter off the ground.


  1. Phil Brakefield on November 19, 2013 at 12:48 pm

    I attended Mike’s one day “Subscription Newsletter Success Blueprints” event in October of 2013, and it would not be a stretch to say that what he taught that day not only relit some long-dormant entrepreneurial embers, but also inspired me to change my life. Not a small feat because I am 66 years old and firmly set in my ways. That apparently happens pretty consistently with fossils.

    The thought that he has added even MORE content borders on the inconceivable, but I am going to be FIRST in line to get his new course.

    Fossils need effective shortcuts.

  2. Adam Weber on November 19, 2013 at 1:05 pm

    Michael is helping me take my business to a new level as my coach and mentor. He is working with me directly to help me publish a newsletter for a starved audience of real estate investors. He has a unique way of delivering his knowledge and experience.. If you have any desire to publish a paid newsletter I encourage you to make the investment in his expertise and knowledge. You will not be sorry.

    Adam J. Weber, MAI,SRA,MRICS

  3. Gerry Pruneda on November 19, 2013 at 2:06 pm

    I came to the Subscription Newsletter Event and was blown away by all the content that Mike presented. He covered every aspect of a published newsletter. I learned a lot that day. And then I continued to learn after I got home with all the interviews he gave us on cd. It was a fantastic event.
    Thanks Mike!
    Gerry Pruneda

  4. Jim on November 19, 2013 at 5:23 pm

    I wanted to add a newsletter to the mix of what I offer my client base. I do a mix of live one-on-one work, live events, webinars, a membership site, etc. for my ongoing clients.
    Mike’s preparation for the live presentation of this material was second to none. It would have taken me weeks to compile half of what he’s put together, and I wouldn’t have been able to access the other half. The inside scoop on the inner-workings of some of the most successful newsletter publishers on the planet is worth several times the investment.
    I flew from Phoenix to Philly, then rented a car and drove another hour, strictly to attend this. I would do it again in a heartbeat. If you’re at all seriously thinking of a newsletter, this is a 100% no-brainer.

  5. Mike Capuzzi on November 19, 2013 at 6:47 pm

    Thanks Jim! It was great to meet you.

  6. Jon on November 20, 2013 at 12:55 pm

    This was absolutely an amazing workshop. The bonus content alone was worth the price. Mike absolutely is an authority on this and gives a clear outline to getting a newsletter up and going. I am working hard on mine and know it will launch by next year and start providing me continuity income for a long time.
    Thanks Mike and if anyone on the fence about this, just DO IT! Go through the materials and make it happen.