Quotable Mike Capuzzi – 17 Marketing Tips

If you’ve read any of my past marketing tips, you know I stress the importance of always having what I call your “marketing radar” always on.

Sharp marketers are always on the look-out for current events, news, experiences, examples, people, etc. which offer an opportunity to build a marketing message around.

The world around you is ripe with opportunity and ideas for you, but you need to condition yourself to “read/listen/watch FOR what you can use”.

Recently, while doing some online research, one such example popped up in front of me and as soon as I saw it, I knew it was an idea I could use in my business and share with others to use in theirs.

marketing tips

The example comes from Edahn Small, who I do not know, but who created a PowerPoint slide deck called “The Quotable Pope.”  If you Google “Edahn Small quotable pope” you can find the same PDF I found.

marketing tips

pope 2

As soon as I saw this PowerPoint slide deck, I knew I could create something similar to share my authority and marketing tips, and without too much work, I created Quotable Mike Capuzzi.

Mike Capuzzi

You can see/download Quotable Mike Capuzzi by clicking here.

I can see anybody who is a subject matter expert, authority or has an important message to share being able to create something similar.

This eye-grabbing, engaging presentation can easily be put on your web site, turned into a video, printed out and put in a WOW! package, etc.

Here are a few creation and marketing tips to create your own “Quotable – INSERT YOUR NAME HERE” slide deck.

  • From a design software standpoint, you don’t need anything beyond PowerPoint, Keynote or similar tool.
  • It’s preferable to use your own quality picture of you “in action” or your own Power Poses.  You should always be trying to capture photos for your marketing toolkit.
  • Optionally, you can use high-quality stock photos available from a variety of online sites.
  • Find suitable quotes, ideas or tips you want to include.  To find the marketing tips I wanted to include, I went through past articles, books and presentations I crafted.  For a few of them, I tweaked to better fit the photo I wanted to use.
  • From there it was as simple as building a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Finally, I created a PDF to share with you (and embedded my main web site throughout it).  I could have created a video version for YouTube, or uploaded to SlideShare, etc. for additional SEO juice.  BTW, by simply adding this PDF to my server, I will get some SEO benefits too.

Can You Use This Marketing Tips Idea?

If you have already created your own similar slide deck or presentation, leave me a note below and I will include here.

Or if I inspired you to create one, make sure you let me know and I will update this article to show it off!

Have fun with this!