3 Unique Resources to Improve Your Copywriting [3in3: Episode 6]

In this very special episode of Mike Capuzzi’s 3 in 3, Mike will introduce you to 3 Top Secret Resources that he personally created in his Response Boosting Lab! AND There is a very special gift for you at the end of this episode.


  1. Alan Steacy on January 12, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Thanks for reminding me of all the great tools you have put together. Seriously, when do you sleep? The 3 in 3 videos are excellent.

  2. John on January 12, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    Mike, Awesome Laboratory setup (I want all those monitors too)It would make my business work go much faster so I could go on to write great copy (using your Copydoodles of course!)If you do not mind disclosure…who helps produce your 3in3 productions? Is it standOUT video or do you do it in house. Really cool though and I am drilling through your Copy Boosting Profit Secrets course all while wearing my new CopyDoodles T-shirt. I just finished a copy piece to send to my clients and placed a coffee stain on it. I placed it by the coffee pot in our home so she would notice and when I asked my wife about the (piece) she thought that she accidently put the stain on the paper that is why she didn’t say anything before I asked…LOL. This is the most fun I have had writing things to clients ever.


  3. Mike Capuzzi on January 12, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Hi John,

    Thanks -glad you’re enjoying the show and that’s definitely a great story to tell – your wife thinking she put the stain on the paper! StandOUT Video does all of my 3 in 3 shows. You’ll have to post a picture of yourself in your Tee on our CopyDoodles Facebook page – we love seeing our customers using CopyDoodles!

    Have a great week!

  4. Dan Cricks on January 13, 2011 at 10:49 pm

    Great episode!