Welcome Mat Marketing: Making Your New Customers, Clients and Patients Feel Special


Much like a welcome mat greets visitors to your home, all business owners should have in place something I call ā€œwelcome mat marketingā€ for new customers, clients and patients (for the sake of this article, I am going to lump them all together as ā€œcustomersā€).

I cannot think of a single business owner that could not (or should not) have a welcome mat campaign in place.

  • Dentists should have one.
  • Info-marketers should have one.
  • Retail store owners should have one.
  • Sales professionals should have one.

Every business owner and marketer should have at least one welcome mat marketing campaign in place to greet new people into your business.

A welcome mat marketing campaign is a focused MULTI-STEP, NEW CUSTOMER campaign (it could be a series of emails or it could be direct mail or it could be a combination of both) that is designed to accomplish two major goals (one focused on the customer and one internally focused).

The first (and most critical) goal is to make your new customers feel welcomed and appreciated and to show your business is different than all the other competitive choices simply because you care 100% about helping them be successful with your product or service.

Believe it or not, simply doing this will set you apart from a majority of your competition, since most business owners donā€™t even think this way.

The second goal is to reduce refunds and returns and create customers for life. While itā€™s impossible to make everybody happy 100% of the time, you can go a long way by creating a well-thought out welcome mat campaign.

Rather than get too complicated with a welcome mat campaign, Iā€™m going to suggest everybody reading this article consider how they could implement something as simple as a welcome mat email campaign for all new customers.

Keep it simple and get it done if you donā€™t have one.

Step 1: Create a 7 day, 15 day, 30 day or some specific time-frame where new customers will hear from you over that period of time.Ā  New CopyDoodles members currently get a 7 day welcome mat campaign from us and weā€™ve had 30 day ones in the past.

Step 2: Figure out an email frequency you want to use.Ā  For shorter campaigns, I would suggest a daily email and for longer ones you might send out 1 ā€“ 3 emails per week. Depends on your specific business and what the customer expectations are for your product/service.

Step 3: Map out the campaign and figure out your goal at each contact point. Here are a few things you can include in your welcome mat campaign:

  • Thank them for becoming a customer.
  • Reaffirm their wise decision to become a customer.
  • Spell out ways they can contact you with questions.
  • Give them specific ways to start consuming your product or service (and reward such behavior).
  • Offer product/service learning opportunities (e.g. demo videos, how to videos, tutorials).
    Share customer success stories (and invite them to be your next one).
  • Discuss your referral program.
  • Give them an unexpected free bonus or gift from you.
  • Get them to self-identify as a person wanting more from you (e.g. other products, monthly newsletter, etc).

Step 4: Get your campaign in place with some type of automated email system.Ā  The only way this works well is if your welcome mat marketing is systematized and automated.Ā  This way it just happens after a new customer comes into your business.Ā Ā  Systems like Infusionsoft, Aweber and Constant Contact are a few that come to mind.

Step 5: Set it and forget it (for the time being).Ā  Iā€™m never a fan of simply forgetting about a campaign after it has been loaded into your email system.Ā  All responsible business owners should revisit ALL their marketing from time to time to see if tweaks are necessary.

These are just a few things you can include in your welcome mat campaign, but the BIG TAKEAWAY is to implement one if you don’t have one in place.


In this monthā€™s SMART Ideas (my print newsletter), I go into more depth about this type of marketing campaign and include a swipe file of ideas and templates for subscribers to use to build their own welcome mat marketing campaign.Ā  I also dissect one of the most impressive welcome mat campaigns Iā€™ve ever seen (it was used on me after a recent purchase). If youā€™re not yet a subscriber, visit http://smartideas.mikecapuzzi.com and check it out a trial PRINT and DIGITAL issue for only $9.95! And if you decide to remain a subscriber each issue is less than $30/month and every issue has downloadable templates, copy examples and more to implement in your business.



  1. Michael Carroll on August 7, 2012 at 10:53 am

    Superb Mike as always!

  2. Mike Capuzzi on August 7, 2012 at 12:25 pm

    Thanks Michael!

  3. Edwin Soler on August 7, 2012 at 9:18 pm

    Mike, how timely this is. I just finished setting up an auto responder that will last at least five months. I’m launching it a week after Labor Day. The idea is to always be in touch with all of my potential and current customers. My BIGGEST problem however is that I focused so much on providing good content and links to blog posts that I completely ignored the most important thing, selling something! I hear so many opinions about how often to sell. For example one post selling for every five that do not. What do you recommend?

  4. Mike Capuzzi on August 8, 2012 at 8:06 am

    Thanks Edwin! There is no set answer for your question. It depends on a number of factors I have no knowledge of with respect to your business. One suggestion I could offer is to keep the initial campaign very focused on the customer and helping them. Then at the end, offer a way to get on a different list with you that will have more opportunities for them to learn and buy other products. Make sense? BTW, how are those Spanish CopyDoodles working out?

  5. Harry Koenning on August 8, 2012 at 10:42 am


    Sounds like a great idea. Can’t wait to get my news letter! Keep up the good work.