Business Marketing Tips
Mike Capuzzi’s April 2013 SMART Ideas Issue Preview
The April 2013 issue of the SMART Ideas newsletter is available for all subscribers to access (print editions are being mailed next week). Before I show what’s included in this issue of SMART Ideas, I want to give a shout out to SMART Ideas subscriber, Edwin Soler. Edwin helps organizations translate their marketing into Spanish…
Read More3 Unique Ways to Get Attention with Photos
Marketing with photographs is an excellent way for business owners and entrepreneurs to create marketing that stands out and gets attention. Photos in marketing have been around since the early 20th century and some of the greatest names in advertising have created world-famous campaigns built around photos. Ogilvy’s Rolls Royce ad, Bernbach’s VW ads, Absolut…
Read MoreThe Art of Designing Envelopes That Stand Out!
Marketers who send a lot of direct mail know there is an art and science to the design of the envelope. If you were to study any of the great direct mail marketers, each would reaffirm the critical importance of the design and look of your envelopes and how certain design principles can result in…
Read MoreMarketing with PURLs (part 3 of 3)
In part 1 of this article ( I gave you some background on why marketing with PURLs is a smart technique for all businesses. In part 2 (, I showed several types of marketing campaigns that can effectively use PURLs to increase response. In this last article, I’m going to share a few additional types…
Read MoreSuper Bowl XLVII Commercials – a Direct Response Review (and Contest)
It appears we survived another year of the Super Bowl and all the hoopla, hype and TV commercials, the once sporting event, now mainstream media event, is known for. All in all, it was a pretty decent game and I was happy to see Baltimore win (though San Francisco deserves credit for staging what looked…
Read MoreMarketing with PURLs (part 2 of 3)
In part 1 of this series ( I gave you some background on why marketing with PURLs is a smart technique for all businesses. PURL marketing allows you to create personalized marketing for direct mail and email campaigns and I cannot imagine any type of business owner not being able to add PURLs…
Read MoreMarketing with PURLs (part 1 of 3)
No business owner or entrepreneur can stand on the sideline when it comes to the topic of getting the attention of their customers, clients, patients and target prospects. Every single business owner reading this is in the same boat. We’re all fighting for mind-share and attention and if you’re failing to create marketing and promotional…
Read MoreIs the Customer Always Right?
We’re all familiar with the old maxim, “The customer is always right.” As business owners it’s been drilled into our heads since the first day we started our business. If you research it, you’ll see it attributed to the founder of England’s Selfridge Department Stores, Harry Gordon Selfridge way back in 1909. On face value,…
Read More3 Copy Cosmetic Commandments to Not Break in 2013
It always saddens me a bit when I see otherwise smart marketers neglect a fundamental marketing truth. If your advertising, marketing promotions and content is physically difficult to read, it won’t get read. In this day and age of staring at smart phones and computer screens all day, a large percentage of the population need…
Read MoreThe Greatest Thing in Life
I originally posted this years ago and thought it was a nice reminder for all of us given the time of year. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a safe and prosperous new year! Mike By Orison Swett Marden (from the December 1926 issue of Success Magazine) If I were asked to express in…
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