Successful, effective marketing has impact!

Successful, effective marketing has impact!

The late Gary Halbert said that “Successful marketing is about impact.”

You can have effective marketing that makes an impact by using strong, emotion-driven copy.

Or you can add impact to create effective marketing with a powerful, irresistible offer.

With effective marketing you can even have visual impact with a unique, attention-grabbing look and feel and that’s what I am going to focus on in this article.

Recently two events gave me the idea for a unique, attention-grabbing effective marketing piece that I am going to start using in my marketing and now you can too.

The first event was my recent trip to Europe. My family and I were able to spend two weeks cruising around the Mediterranean Sea on a Disney cruise. We visited eight different ports including Barcelona, Naples, Rome and Corsica.

It was a great time and the sights and history we experience are unforgettable.

As you know, to travel around Europe, you need a passport, which I pretty much carried on me at all times. If you have a passport, you know it’s a unique-looking document in a compact format (which triggers ideas to my marketing brain).

But it was the second event that triggered my idea to create a brand new effective marketing piece. Recently my wife gave me a membership into a cigar-of-the-month club (yes, enjoying a good cigar is one of my vices) and when I receive my welcome kit, they included a passport-looking piece that described the benefits of my membership.

Since I am always on the lookout for unique and effective marketing ideas I can use in my business, these two events triggered the idea I could do the same thing with my CopyDoodles Access Club welcome kit and include a passport in it for new members.


So I created my “Passport to Profits” CopyTemplate, which I shared with CopyDoodles Access Club Platinum members this month. It is a done-for-you effective marketing template that is perfect for anybody with a membership program or even as part of a marketing sequence to fill an event.

This CopyTemplate includes everything you need to create your own effective passport marketing piece for your business and the only thing you need to figure out is how to apply it to your business and use it as effective marketing!

If you’re a current CopyDoodles Access Club Platinum member, log in today and check it out and if you’re not, I invite you to visit and become a member today to start creating more successful, effective marketing pieces!


  1. Ted Peterson on July 7, 2011 at 10:00 am

    Hey Mike…

    I love this idea! Something like this could also be done like a simple post card mailing. Really good stuff! Can’t wait to see your next piece!

  2. Mike Capuzzi on July 7, 2011 at 10:13 am

    Thanks Ted! Agreed, you can really do anything with the passport – if you end up sending as a postcard, I’d love to see the result!