Creative Marketing Examples: Tap into the Power of Swipe Files!


If youā€™ve ever stared at a blank computer screen or sheet of paper when you sat down to begin writing a marketing piece, you know how challenging it can be to get started and how valuable it is to have a collection of creative marketing examples at your fingertips. Starting a marketing campaign from scratch…

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3 Direct Marketing Resources You Should Know About

On my last episode of Mike Capuzzi’s 3 in 3, I shared some direct marketing insights I gained on a recent consulting day with Dan Kennedy.Ā  I also mentioned Danā€™s latest book, No BS Price Strategy (non-affiliate Amazon link) which he co-authored with Jason Marrs. I highly recommend everybody watching this episode read this book…

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The Blank Page Blues & the Power of Swipe Files


If youā€™ve ever stared at a blank computer screen or sheet of paper when you sat down to begin writing a marketing piece, you know how challenging it can be to get started. Starting a marketing campaign from scratch each and every time is tedious and not a great way to leverage time and creativity,…

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