Marketing hurdles – the good and bad


When marketing your business, it’s often a smart strategy to place “marketing hurdles” in your campaigns to slow people down in order to do something which measures their interest level in what you have to offer. A classic example is a web-based squeeze page where you ask somebody for their contact info before presenting the…

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WWJCD – What Would John Caples Do?


Recently, I was in need of some copywriting inspiration and whenever that happens one of the places I turn to is my library of classic marketing and business books.  For years, I’ve collected first edition and classic marketing and business books and some of my most coveted books were written by the legendary John Caples.…

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High impact marketing no-no: a personalized postcard example


In my last article, I showed an attempt of high impact marketing that goes wrong by trying to personalize in a way I consider deceitful and simply wrong (you can read it here). While high impact marketing is all about personalized marketing, it’s about doing it in an authentic, integrity-based, friend-to-friend way. The example I…

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Bad marketing example: doing the right things wrong.


If you’re like me, you treat your mailbox and email inbox as an opportunity to learn.  Sure, 90% of the stuff in either box is NOT worthy of your study, but I guarantee 10% or so of the mail and emails you’re getting offer ideas on what to do (good marketing) and what NOT to…

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High Impact Copywriting – Is Your Copy Readable?


I’m getting old and as I approach my next birthday, I’m noticing a few changes… I definitely feel more of a draft when I don’t wear a hat on cold winter’s day. Waking up in the morning is typically accompanied by more creakiness than I remember. And when did everything start being printed so small?…

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High Impact Copywriting – Making the Mundane, Fun!


For business owners looking to create high impact marketing and high impact copywriting, so their product or service stands out, one of the greatest challenges is to make otherwise mundane features and benefits, sound fun, new and exciting. This is why top marketing copywriters get paid so well.  It’s not easy taking something ordinary and…

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Thinking Inside the Box & Missed Opportunities


I had a disturbing conversation the other day.  It was with a friend who is also a bricks and mortar business owner and after years of preaching the gospel of marketing to him, I’ve come to realize he likes “thinking inside the box” when it comes to marketing his business. So as I pulled up…

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The differences between a free newsletter and a paid subscription newsletter


With the recent release of my Subscription Newsletter Success Blueprints home-study course, which shows entrepreneurs how to publish a paid subscription newsletter, I’ve received a few interesting emails. One in particular was asking why I created this course, when there were so many other resources available that covered publishing customer newsletters. My short answer back…

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A simple example of thoughtful target marketing


If you’ve read any of my previous articles, read my books or seen any of my webinars, you know I constantly preach the critical importance of knowing “who’s your who.”  There are a number of reasons why knowing who your who is important and one particular reason is the notion of what I call “thoughtful…

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My Seven Blueprints to Successfully Publish a Paid Newsletter


After months of research and content development, I’m pleased to announce the availability of my seven personal blueprints to successfully publish a paid newsletter in my brand new Subscription Newsletter Success Blueprints course. Publishing a paid subscription newsletter can be one of the smartest and most profitable things you can do and done right, your…

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