The Power of Personalized & Handwritten Business Thank You Notes


In this day and age where everybody is looking for the next shiny object to improve their business, there’s a simple solution immediately available to every business owner and entrepreneur! It’s expressing your appreciation and gratitude to friends, customers, clients, and colleagues by sending handwritten thank you notes. Today, when 99% of people complain of…

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The Power of Personalized & Handwritten Notes [CDTV: Episode 27]


In this day and age, where everybody is looking for the next shiny object to improve their business, there’s a simple solution immediately available to every business owner and entrepreneur! Check out this episode of CopyDoodles TV to find out just what that is and how to implement this simple technique in your business.

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3 Easy, Yet Effective, Strategies To Help Anyone Write Better Copy!

Writing effective and powerful copy is important for ALL business owners and entrepreneurs. I don’t care if your business is brick and mortar, online, huge, or small, your copy has to be persuasive, engaging, and needs to get people reading and acting. Below, I’m going to share three easy, yet effective strategies anybody can use…

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Creative Marketing Examples: Tap into the Power of Swipe Files!


If you’ve ever stared at a blank computer screen or sheet of paper when you sat down to begin writing a marketing piece, you know how challenging it can be to get started and how valuable it is to have a collection of creative marketing examples at your fingertips. Starting a marketing campaign from scratch…

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