3 Business Books I Recently Re-Read and Recommend


On this episode of 3 in 3, I’m going to share three books I recently RE-READ and recommend you read for the first time, or read again.  They are that good. Get ready for 3 in 3! High Impact Marketing Tip #1 The One Thing, by Gary Keller is a great book to read at…

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An Easy and Effective Copywriting Headline Idea


Crafting an attention-grabbing and effective copywriting headline for any sort of marketing effort, albeit a sales letter, postcard mailer, website landing page or advertisement, is critical for the business owner looking for maximum results from his or her marketing. And while most business owners aren’t looking to be professional copywriters – learning how to construct…

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Can You Use Costco’s Free Sample Strategy?


The other day, my wife and kids came home from a Costco shopping trip and I noticed they were unpacking several food items I had never seen before. When I asked my wife Becky about it, she informed me that they happened to visit Costco during one of their infamous food sampling sessions and my…

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19 Classic Headlines From the 1920’s You Can Use Today

classic headline

The other day I found myself going through a box of magazines from the early 1920’s, including Success, Physical Culture and Hill’s Golden Rule looking for classic headline inspiration for a project I am working on. Some might think this is an odd strategy because how can anything from the 1920’s be appropriate and used…

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An Information-First Marketing Asset Anybody Can Create


If you’ve read any of my past articles, you know I am a big fan of information-first marketing, which is a strategy to educate your idea prospect and elevate your marketing message above your competition. In the past year alone, these three articles convey the unique power of information-first marketing and why you should be…

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A Conversation About Procrastination


In both my own marketing efforts and the efforts of my mastermind group members and clients there seems to be a growing trend with consumers taking more and more time to make a simple buying decision. While the art of procrastination is nothing new and putting things off is as old as Man, in my…

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The Difference Between Direct Response vs. Agency-Styled Marketing


Yesterday I came across a print advertisement that clearly illustrates the stark difference between agency-created, brand-oriented marketing and traditional direct response marketing. As I will share in a moment, this print ad almost scored a touchdown in my opinion, but it trips at the last moment, just inches short of the goal line of being…

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A Decade of CopyDoodles – How It All Began


Since 1998, I have been helping business owners improve their marketing results.  One of the strategies I learned early on in my consulting career was how important the LOOK of your advertising and marketing is for readability and response. As I studied the history of advertising and copywriting, I discovered a simple little secret to…

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Use My Nana Strategies to Differentiate Your Business


Recently I went through the “fun” of moving from a house I lived in for over 20 years to a new house.  Aside from having to go through 20 years of collected stuff, I had the distinct “pleasure” of interacting with a variety of different businesses and business owners, including Real estate agent Moving company…

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A Smart Copywriting Tip & Contest Winner Announced


Last week, I hosted a contest to see if anybody could identify the mistake made in a stadium billboard I saw during a baseball game.  There was a smart copywriting tip to be found in the contest. You can read my original article here. While a few readers offered suggestions on how to improve the…

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