Sometimes the best marketing ideas are the simplest


The title of this article pays homage to William Golding, who proclaimed “The greatest ideas are the simplest” in his classic novel, Lord of the Flies. Golding and other famous men and women have extolled the benefits of simplicity throughout history, and one of my constant nuggets of advice when working with clients is that…

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CopyDoodles Gag Cartoon Contest


If you’ve been a reader of my marketing training content for any length of time, you know I am a big fan of using cartoons and comics in both online and offline marketing.  Several years ago, I even created a training course showing business owners how to use cartoons and comics effectively to get attention…

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How Can You Use This Marketing Idea in Your Business?


I am constantly amazed at how many bricks & mortar business owners completely miss a huge marketing opportunity by not collecting contact information when people visit their location. So I was pleasantly surprised while having dinner the other day with my business partner at a local restaurant. This restaurant is owned by an entrepreneur who…

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Make This Big Idea Advertisement Better


I love it when I see local businesses doing extraordinary marketing and coming up with BIG IDEAS on ways to promote their business.  Over the weekend, I came across a full page advertisement from a local Italian restaurant I go to from time to time that I thought was worth sharing for several reasons, including…

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Trip report: Dan Kennedy’s Mind-Hijacking Seminar


Last week I spent three days in Cleveland at Dan Kennedy’s Mind-Hijacking seminar, and as is typical with Dan’s mid-year events, I came home with more than I left with. A lot more. This was definitely an advanced Kennedy training that went very deep on psychology-based persuasion and sales influence. And it was definitely not…

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Mono-marketing – the power of a single focus


In the April 29 issue of the New York Times was an article entitled “Read This Story Without Distraction (Can You?).  You can read it here: The premise of the article was about the lack of ability for many people to focus on one, singular thing, and how the much-heralded ability to multi-task can…

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Going to 2016 GKIC SuperConference?


Later this week, on Friday, April 29, 2016, I have the privilege of speaking at the 2016 GKIC SuperConference.  This is the second time I have appeared on the GKIC SuperConference stage in the past six years, and I want to invite you to attend a special presentation I put together just for this event.…

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A Thick, Juicy Marketing Gift Idea


If you’re looking for an easy-to-manage, high-value and high impact gift idea for your business, you should definitely check out Omaha Steak’s Corporate Gift and Incentive Program, and specifically the “Omaha Collection.”  I came across this program late last year and have nothing but positive comments both from myself as the administrator and from the…

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Warning: XXX Marketing Idea Enclosed


I want to preface this article by stating I am dead serious with what I am about to share and have zero intention of offending anybody.  If you become squeamish or immediately want to opt off my email list, I want to challenge you to take a deep breath and turn your marketing radar onto…

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CopyDoodles Training 2016 Now Available


Limited-Time Offer! Live CopyDoodles Training with CopyDoodles Inventor, Mike Capuzzi For the first time since 2011, I am doing an in-depth CopyDoodles training perfect for both the CopyDoodles “newbie” and experienced user. It’s called Better Results Made Simple: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering CopyDoodles in 3 Hours or Less! and I’ll be showing you all…

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