Discover My Smart Short Business Book Tips, Ideas, and Strategies

Smart Short Business Book Tips

Here you'll find a wealth of smart short business book tips dedicated to the power and versatility of publishing a short business book to promote you and your business.

These articles are written to provide you with actionable insights and innovative strategies to leverage short business books effectively. Publishing a short business book is a transformative tool for business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders. These short businesses books allow you to share your expertise, differentiate your brand, and establish yourself as a thought leader and you'll discover practical tips on how to write, publish, and market your short business book.

I share various ideas and strategies to maximize the impact of your book, ensuring it resonates with your audience and achieves your business goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your marketing efforts, attract high-quality clients, or leave a lasting legacy, my articles provide the guidance you need to succeed.


Announcing The Magic of Free Books

By Mike Capuzzi | January 12, 2021

In 2020, I published a “private” book, The Magic of Free Books, that I only sent to clients and customers to provide them with tactics to make money by giving away a free book. In May of 2023, I updated this book and this new “second edition” includes even more smart tactics (61 total) to…

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WOW! Kits & Shock and Awe Kits for Book Authors

By Mike Capuzzi | October 15, 2020

It’s my belief one of the most powerful and effective strategies to leverage your business-related book in what I call a WOW! Kit. Other marketing experts, like Dan Kennedy, call it a shock and awe kit. Regardless of what you call impactful kits, they are powerful marketing assets for your business (as a matter of…

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Announcing The 100-Page Book (An Amazon Best Seller)

By Mike Capuzzi | July 21, 2020

My latest short, helpful book (shook™), The 100-Page Book, is now available on Amazon as a print book, Kindle book and audio book, and as of today’s date (early January 2021), it has been an Amazon #1 bestseller for six months!  BUY NOW! But first a warning, this book is not for everyone. The 100-Page…

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A Direct Mail Package Guaranteed to be Opened

By Mike Capuzzi | March 24, 2020

If you are an author of a printed book on Amazon, you have the unique opportunity to leverage Amazon’s powerful (and irresistible) branding to send a direct mail package to a targeted individual directly (even potentially bypassing “gate keepers”). If you do any sort of business to business (B2B) marketing and are trying to reach…

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Julie Gets Her Shook Done in 22 Days

By Mike Capuzzi | February 25, 2020

I want to share a recent story with you because it’s instructional for many different reasons (especially if you have been putting off publishing a book for you and your business).   On January 31, 2020, I had the opportunity to speak at Julie Steinbacher’s, 2nd Annual Winter Conference for the National Alliance of Attorneys…

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