Effective Strategies to Boost Your Direct Mail Response


Last week, I had the privilege of being one of a handful of guest experts at Dan Kennedy’s Mailbox-Millions seminar, where close to 300 business owners gathered to discover ways to improve their direct mail results.  This was the third time Dan has asked me to speak at one of his small, boutique seminars and…

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Need to Get Attention? Send a Greeting Card!


A great way to capture the attention of your readers and to strengthen the personal bond you have between your followers or customers is with the use of greeting cards. Greeting cards typically evoke positive emotions with people, which will help with getting your message noticed and read. The great thing about using greeting cards…

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Highway to Profits


I admit, I’m a big AC/DC fan. Have been for years and recently while listening to their Highway to Hell album, the title (and marketing concept) for this article came to me. I hope it paints a clear visual for you and your future marketing efforts. Last week, I shared an article about a pretty…

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The “Old School” Power of Lift Notes


Each of us can learn a lot (or be reminded of what we already know) by studying classic direct mail packages for our offline and online businesses, which is one reason I suggest you NEVER throw out your “junk mail’ until you go through it with your marketing radar set to “on.” Personally, I collect…

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The "Old School" Power of Lift Notes [CDTV: Episode 32]


The Old School Power of Lift Notes [CDTV: Episode 32] In this episode of CopyDoodles TV, Mike Capuzzi shares different techniques for using lift notes in your  marketing. Not sure what a lift note is? That’s okay they’re simple to use and highly effective for all your direct marketing pieces!

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3 Ways To Profit With Personalized Gift Certificates


This is a fun marketing tactic I’ve personally and successfully have used (and have helped many clients use) over the years to drive in business.  It combines the excitement of a “gift” with the power of personalization to create a powerful one-two marketing punch.  And what I love about it is that you can easily…

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Leap Year Marketing Ideas You Can Use Immediately (Part 2)


This year is a little special and different than last year (and the year before). That’s because celebrate a holiday in February that only comes around every 1461 days (or 4 years). This is the perfect day for all business owners and entrepreneurs to create some fun marketing for sales, promotions, marketing, and more! Leap…

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