Over a Decade's Worth of Small Business Marketing Tips From Mike Capuzzi

Mike Capuzzi's Small Business Marketing Tips

For over a decade, I have compiled a comprehensive collection of small business marketing tips designed to help business owners thrive in competitive markets. This extensive collection contains hundreds of actionable strategies, innovative ideas, and practical advice tailored specifically for small businesses.

Whether you’re looking to attract more customers, increase your online presence, or refine your marketing tactics, my collection of small business marketing tips has you covered. These tips draw from years of hands-on experience and success in the field, providing you with proven methods to enhance your marketing efforts. From leveraging social media and email marketing to optimizing your website and crafting compelling content, each tip is designed to be practical and easy to implement.

By exploring these tips, you can gain fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to common marketing challenges. The insights you’ll uncover can help you make informed decisions, maximize your marketing budget, and achieve sustainable growth. Let these tried-and-true small business marketing tips you towards achieving your business goals and building a stronger, more resilient brand.


A Smart Copywriting Tip & Contest Winner Announced

By Mike Capuzzi | July 6, 2017

Last week, I hosted a contest to see if anybody could identify the mistake made in a stadium billboard I saw during a baseball game.  There was a smart copywriting tip to be found in the contest. You can read my original article here. While a few readers offered suggestions on how to improve the headline, only one reader correctly…

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High Impact Marketing Quiz

Marketing Contest: Baseball, headlines and your copywriting

By Mike Capuzzi | June 29, 2017

Given the time of year it is here in the States, I thought this article was quite appropriate.  For those of us old enough to remember, back in the 70’s Chevrolet ran what is one of the “best” car commercials of all time with its “Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet” campaign. I found a version of the commercial…

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Personal Marketing Pays Off

By Mike Capuzzi | June 7, 2017

If you’ve been a follower of mine for any length of time, you know I am a huge fan of connecting with highly personal marketing.  In my opinion, nothing beats a personal, me-to-you looking marketing effort to get attention and get response. Today, I want to share yet another story of how personal marketing gets results, and in this case…

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A Great Example of Hyper-Focused Marketing

By Mike Capuzzi | May 22, 2017

I came across this simple little newspaper ad recently and it immediately caught my eye because it does an excellent job of doing something most business owner’s marketing doesn’t do.  It has a hyper-focused marketing message. Unfortunately, most business-owner marketing is generic and doesn’t speak to a specific target audience and address their specific pains or needs. This is why…

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Six Figure Coach Magazine – subscribe for free

By Mike Capuzzi | May 8, 2017

My buddy Karl Bryan has undertaken a huge initiative – to start a new digital magazine published specifically for business consultants and coaches – and I am trying to help him. It’s called The Six Figure Coach Magazine and you can get a free subscription here. The current issue is available and in it you will find an article, by…

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The Art of Being Pithy

By Mike Capuzzi | April 25, 2017

There is a profound thought about being pithy, that has been attributed to many different individuals over the centuries, which is an important reminder for all marketers. The earliest comes from the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal, who wrote, “I have made this [letter] longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter.” Several hundred years later,…

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Get Attention With The Super-Size Postcard

By Mike Capuzzi | April 18, 2017

I don’t know what your thoughts are on the matter, but it’s my opinion the never-ending battle to get the attention of a target recipient, with a marketing/advertising message, is getting harder and harder. The simplistic days of three major TV networks, must-read magazines and a strong local, daily newspaper are ancient history. All this has been replaced with an…

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A Tribute to Ralph Archbold (Ben Franklin)

By Mike Capuzzi | April 5, 2017

I just heard the news that Philadelphia lost a familiar icon last week with the passing of the larger-than-life Ben Franklin actor, Ralph Archbold. For the past 44 years, Ralph was, in my opinion, the BEST Ben Franklin actor and was a familiar fixture in Old City, Philadelphia. As somebody who grew up in the Philly area, I remember seeing…

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Why Mastermind Groups Are Important for the Future

By Mike Capuzzi | March 28, 2017

Two weeks ago, I hosted the first in-person meeting for my 2017 mastermind group and even though I have been leading similar groups for the past decade, hours after the meeting ended, I was still intoxicated by the high that comes from being around and masterminding with smart people. There is nothing like being in a room with other like-minded,…

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Masters of the Mastermind

By Mike Capuzzi | March 14, 2017

You know what I love about my business? I get to wake up every day to do something I love. I get to work with business smart, action-oriented mastermind group members to do the things that enable them to reach their goals and dreams. Masterminding with smart people is one of the most satisfying things in the world to me. I’ve been…

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The Business of High-Level, High-Fee Mastermind Groups

By Mike Capuzzi | February 22, 2017

In my introductory article on mastermind groups, I shared my views on what I believe Napoleon Hill meant when he described his “Master Mind principle.”  You can read this article here. In this article, I want to discuss the opportunities of being in the high-level, high-fee mastermind group business. During my research of Hill’s writings, I never saw him discuss…

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Napoleon Hill’s Definition of the Master Mind vs Modern Mastermind

By Mike Capuzzi | February 13, 2017

Over the past several months, I’ve been immersing myself into the deep study of Napoleon Hill’s definition of the Master Mind, as described in his 1928 book, Law of Success.  Interestingly, Law of Success preceded Hill’s more famous, Think and Grow Rich, by 12 years (the first edition of Law of Success was released for a private few in 1925).…

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