Over a Decade's Worth of Small Business Marketing Tips From Mike Capuzzi

Mike Capuzzi's Small Business Marketing Tips

For over a decade, I have compiled a comprehensive collection of small business marketing tips designed to help business owners thrive in competitive markets. This extensive collection contains hundreds of actionable strategies, innovative ideas, and practical advice tailored specifically for small businesses.

Whether you’re looking to attract more customers, increase your online presence, or refine your marketing tactics, my collection of small business marketing tips has you covered. These tips draw from years of hands-on experience and success in the field, providing you with proven methods to enhance your marketing efforts. From leveraging social media and email marketing to optimizing your website and crafting compelling content, each tip is designed to be practical and easy to implement.

By exploring these tips, you can gain fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to common marketing challenges. The insights you’ll uncover can help you make informed decisions, maximize your marketing budget, and achieve sustainable growth. Let these tried-and-true small business marketing tips you towards achieving your business goals and building a stronger, more resilient brand.


Quotable Mike Capuzzi – 17 Marketing Tips

By Mike Capuzzi | February 6, 2017

If you’ve read any of my past marketing tips, you know I stress the importance of always having what I call your “marketing radar” always on. Sharp marketers are always on the look-out for current events, news, experiences, examples, people, etc. which offer an opportunity to build a marketing message around. The world around you is ripe with opportunity and…

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High Impact Marketing Quiz

High Impact Marketing Quiz – Google Mailer

By Mike Capuzzi | January 24, 2017

One smart way to create high impact marketing is to not make the same mistakes others make, and you have to look no further than your mailbox for lesson after lesson on how not to market your business. If you’ve read my articles for any length of time, you know I like to run high impact marketing contests to see…

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5 Ways to Transform Your Business in 2017

By Mike Capuzzi | January 16, 2017

Zip, zing, swoosh and another year has flown by and is in the history books.  I won’t take up valuable real-estate by stating the obvious, but it sure does seem like time is going faster and faster. It’s common in the business and marketing world to use January (and the start of a new year), as a reset button for both…

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The Perils of Business Owner Isolation

By Mike Capuzzi | January 3, 2017

Today, it’s easier than ever to suffer from business owner isolation.  Even with all of the advancements digital connectedness, business owners often find themselves isolated and running their business in a solitary, “I’m the only one“ manner. Bill Glazer summed it up perfectly when he said, “The entrepreneur/business owner is the loneliest person on earth.” Think about your own situation. …

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The Revenge of Analog – book recommendation

By Mike Capuzzi | December 19, 2016

Given the year is winding down, I thought I would share a few book recommendations and resources I found worthwhile in 2016.  Next week, I will share some interesting and useful book-related resources, but today I want to share a book I read this past weekend,The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter . I picked up The…

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Henry Ford Lessons for Teens (& Business Owners)

By Mike Capuzzi | December 12, 2016

Apparently, I blinked and my two little girls are now both in high school. My head spins as I try to comprehend how that happened so quickly, and for anybody reading this who has young kids, never, ever wish the days to go faster.  Cherish the time when your kids are beautifully innocent. As a father of two beautiful young ladies,…

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Dan Kennedy & Dog Whistle Language in Copywriting & Marketing

By Mike Capuzzi | November 21, 2016

I am an on-going student of marketing and copywriting, and I am always in learning and seeking out mode when it comes to improving my own abilities.  Whether it’s a book, training resource or event, I always try to keep my marketing radar on for new opportunities, ideas and ah-ha’s. Recently I learned something new and want to share it…

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Information-First Advertising and Marketing

By Mike Capuzzi | October 24, 2016

In today’s advertising and marketing world, it seems most advertisers and marketers have fallen under the spell that nobody reads copy and anything longer than a Tweet. If you study advertising from the mid-20th century you would immediately see that copywriters back then relied heavily on what I call the power of information-first advertising and marketing. If you compare that…

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An Advertorial Example of Kennedy’s Market, Message Media

By Mike Capuzzi | October 17, 2016

In my last article, I introduced the reader to Joe McNeill of Bob Davidson Ford in Baltimore and how a simple postcard they send out every month is generating over $500,000 in gross sales per year. Part of wanted I wanted to point out with that article was showing you how sometimes marketing that “isn’t pretty” can often out-perform professionally…

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Sometimes the best marketing ideas are the simplest

By Mike Capuzzi | September 26, 2016

The title of this article pays homage to William Golding, who proclaimed “The greatest ideas are the simplest” in his classic novel, Lord of the Flies. Golding and other famous men and women have extolled the benefits of simplicity throughout history, and one of my constant nuggets of advice when working with clients is that often, “less can mean more.”…

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CopyDoodles Gag Cartoon Contest

By Mike Capuzzi | August 30, 2016

If you’ve been a reader of my marketing training content for any length of time, you know I am a big fan of using cartoons and comics in both online and offline marketing.  Several years ago, I even created a training course showing business owners how to use cartoons and comics effectively to get attention and get noticed. While there…

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How Can You Use This Marketing Idea in Your Business?

By Mike Capuzzi | August 14, 2016

I am constantly amazed at how many bricks & mortar business owners completely miss a huge marketing opportunity by not collecting contact information when people visit their location. So I was pleasantly surprised while having dinner the other day with my business partner at a local restaurant. This restaurant is owned by an entrepreneur who “get’s it.” I know for…

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