The Number One Mistake People Make With CopyDoodlesÂź


A favorite pastime of mine is cooking, and I enjoy experimenting and trying new recipes out. The only thing I like better than cooking is actually eating the food I make (it’s an Italian thing). If you’re like me and enjoy food, you naturally understand the importance of enhancing the taste of your food with various…

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Smart Ways to Use Tickets in Your Marketing


If you’re looking for a fun and unique way to get attention and increase the results of your marketing, using a great-looking ticket, may be just the ticket to higher response (I couldn’t resist)! Event marketers have used tickets for centuries to give their events a special feel of exclusivity and as a way to…

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Creative Marketing Examples: Tap into the Power of Swipe Files!


If you’ve ever stared at a blank computer screen or sheet of paper when you sat down to begin writing a marketing piece, you know how challenging it can be to get started and how valuable it is to have a collection of creative marketing examples at your fingertips. Starting a marketing campaign from scratch…

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The Blank Page Blues & the Power of Swipe Files


If you’ve ever stared at a blank computer screen or sheet of paper when you sat down to begin writing a marketing piece, you know how challenging it can be to get started. Starting a marketing campaign from scratch each and every time is tedious and not a great way to leverage time and creativity,…

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Two Copywriting Tips for Smart Direct Response Marketers


Smart direct response marketers know the importance of being able to write good, strong sales and marketing copy. Well written, compelling direct response copy is the lifeblood of profitable marketing campaigns and everybody reading this article should feel the need to improve their copy writing skills. Fortunately there are number of excellent books and courses…

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Must-read Books for Entrepreneurs! [3in3: Episode 8]


On this week’s episode of Mike Capuzzi’s 3 in 3, Mike will share three books he highly recommends you check out:   – Magic Words That Bring You Riches – Ted Nicholas – How to Turn Words Into Money -Ted Nicholas – The War of Art – Steven Pressfield   Stay tuned until the end…

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Is Your Copywriting & Direct Marketing Readable?


When sitting down to write the copy for letter, web site, postcard or any direct marketing media, most marketers focus 100% of their attention on the words they are writing. Without a doubt, the written message is ultimately critical for achieving high response rates, however HOW YOUR COPY LOOKS is also important for achieving the…

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New Response Boosting Content Added to CopyDoodles Membership Site


New Response Boosting Content Added to CopyDoodles Membership Site We’ve just released 20 fun new CopyComics, including 10 restaurant-themed specific comics on our membership site. CopyComics are copyright free comics for marketers and they may be customized via our CopyComic Generator. Also just released is a brand new CopyTemplate. CopyTemplates are templates you can customize…

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