Business Powerpoint Presentations: Spice Them Up With CopyDoodlesÂŽ [CDTV: Episode 2]


  Business powerpoint presentations can often be long, boring, and plain. In this episode of CopyDoodles TV, I show you how to spice up your Business PowerPoint presentations (or any presentation software) with CopyDoodles, CopyComics, CopyStamps and our animated CopyFlash.   Adding these graphic enhancements to your business powerpoint presentations will wake up your audience…

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8 Exciting, New Ways I Can Help You Improve Your Marketing!

As 2010 winds down, the smart entrepreneur automatically starts thinking about starting off 2011 with new and powerful initiatives.  I myself have spent a number of hours recently with my team thinking about creating even more value for my customers and clients. This is a question you should be pondering too.  How can you create…

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Write On Your Web Site For Attention and Response!

copydoodles after screen shot

These days few things stand out on many business web sites and it’s as if many sites come from the same cookie-cutter mold.  Business owners and entrepreneurs are missing out on relationship-building and income-producing opportunities, simply because their web sites fail to grab the attention of viewers. Smart marketers use a collection of proven response-boosting…

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Sneak Peak Video Reveals a Unique Way to Stand Out on Facebook™ and Create CopyDoodles® as Big as a City Bus!

With the impending opening of my CopyDoodles Access Club later this month, I am releasing another “sneak peak” video showing you some of the powerful new features of this amazing, one-of-a-kind web site for business owners looking to create attention-grabbing, response-boosting marketing. On this video I am showing a preview of our new SocialDoodles Facebook™…

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Testimonial Strategies-The Temptation of “Testiphonials”

Fake Testimonials

Smart marketers know having real testimonials is a powerful marketing strategy.  What others say about you and your products and services is much more compelling and powerful than any marketing copy you could write for yourself. The important lesson here is the word “real.” Lately, I have seen an increase in a practice I personally…

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A Timeless Secret: Mastermind to Grow Rich

Mike Capuzzi Mastermind Group

These past few weeks I have been busy working on a project that I have been keeping a bit of a secret.  But now I am ready to reveal what I have been working on…  I have been hard at working putting together a great new book called, Mastermind to Grow Rich and today I’m…

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