Over a Decade's Worth of Small Business Marketing Tips From Mike Capuzzi

Mike Capuzzi's Small Business Marketing Tips

For over a decade, I have compiled a comprehensive collection of small business marketing tips designed to help business owners thrive in competitive markets. This extensive collection contains hundreds of actionable strategies, innovative ideas, and practical advice tailored specifically for small businesses.

Whether you’re looking to attract more customers, increase your online presence, or refine your marketing tactics, my collection of small business marketing tips has you covered. These tips draw from years of hands-on experience and success in the field, providing you with proven methods to enhance your marketing efforts. From leveraging social media and email marketing to optimizing your website and crafting compelling content, each tip is designed to be practical and easy to implement.

By exploring these tips, you can gain fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to common marketing challenges. The insights you’ll uncover can help you make informed decisions, maximize your marketing budget, and achieve sustainable growth. Let these tried-and-true small business marketing tips you towards achieving your business goals and building a stronger, more resilient brand.

mike capuzzi

Cast your vote for your favorite print subscription newsletter!

By Mike Capuzzi | July 30, 2013

Last week I announced my upcoming one-day workshop on how to be a six-figure print subscription newsletter publisher this coming October.  Print, subscription newsletters are different than free client/customer newsletters and if you have not yet gotten on my Priority Notification list about this very focused info-publishing workshop, you can do so here: https://mikecapuzzi.com/newsletter-publisher-workshop I’m already in the research and…

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Announcing My Six Figure Newsletter Publisher Blueprint Workshop

By Mike Capuzzi | July 22, 2013

If leveraging and monetizing your expertise and passion, while having the freedom of a life-style oriented business, interests you I want to invite you to learn more about my upcoming Six Figure Newsletter Publisher Blueprint Workshop. Being a paid newsletter publisher is one of the smartest and most profitable business decisions I’ve ever made and this coming October 21 I’m…

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One way to get attention – a marketing promotion that rocks!

By Mike Capuzzi | July 15, 2013

In marketing, how to get attention is not easy, yet it is fundamentally important.  This article describes one way a smart marketer got my instant attention and how you can possibly use this same strategy to get attention with your marketing. Last week I had the privilege of hosting a group of smart business owners and entrepreneurs at a two…

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marketing with purls

My marketing with personalized URLs book available on Amazon

By Mike Capuzzi | July 2, 2013

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know I am a huge proponent of creating personalized marketing in order to get your marketing to stand out, get attention and generate results, which is why I just wrote The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Marketing with PURLs now available on Amazon.com.  This book is essential for any business owner looking…

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How to not write an email

By Mike Capuzzi | June 5, 2013

I don’t get it. Lately a bunch of marketers have put me on their email list – as if I opted in on my own accord – which I didn’t. I cannot fathom why they think this type of SPAM is a good way to start a business relationship, especially in light of the amateurish and pretty awful writing to…

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5 Reasons to Get into the Info-Marketing Game

By Mike Capuzzi | May 28, 2013

The ability to leverage your knowledge, expertise and passion to help others (while getting paid nicely and working the way you want to work) is an entrepreneur’s dream come true! I call this is the promise of info-marketing – and when done right building an information-marketing or info-publishing business, either as an add-on to your existing business or as a…

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Ride-Along Marketing – Efficient & Effective

By Mike Capuzzi | May 21, 2013

In my June SMART Ideas newsletter (www.smartideasformarketing.com), which was just mailed to subscribers, I focused the issue on something I call “ride-along marketing.” Ride-along marketing is a type of marketing campaign any business owner can leverage to get specific marketing messages in front of a specific person by “riding along” with something this person is already engaged with. A common…

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Marketing Flatulence (and how to prevent it)

By Mike Capuzzi | May 15, 2013

Before I start, I want everybody to know this is a serious marketing article and contains several timely reminders for business owners and marketers everywhere.  If you were offended by the subject line, trust me, there’s logic behind it so keep reading. Last week, I took some time to go through a pile of direct mail that had accumulated on…

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Thankful to Be an Entrepreneur

By Mike Capuzzi | April 23, 2013

Here in the northeast United States, spring is here. The days are brighter, warmer and new life and growth is happening all around. As much as I like winter, spring is always a welcomed season and it always causes me to pause and remember just how fortunate we are to be a play some part in this game called Life.…

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How to Inform, Teach and Sell with PowerPoint Style Videos

By Mike Capuzzi | April 16, 2013

No doubt you’re familiar with and have seen examples of PowerPoint-style videos on the web (if you’re a Mac user, substitute Keynote for PowerPoint).  Even though they are often referred to as “video sales letters,” I believe this description is limiting, since there is so much more you can do with these types of videos. As a matter of fact,…

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Get Attention with Advertorials

By Mike Capuzzi | April 2, 2013

“It has been found that the less an advertisement looks like an advertisement, and the more it looks like an editorial, the more readers stop, look, and read.”  – David Ogilvy I always appreciate the business owner who “gets it” when it comes to marketing.  Especially a local business owner, who’s in the game every day, trying to get attention,…

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