My Podcasting “Secret” Weapon


I am a 100% convert when it comes to the power of podcasts (either as a guest or a host or both) to get your message out in the world. Whether you are a local business owner or a global entrepreneur, podcasts are a top five marketing media in my opinion. I have been leveraging…

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A Tale of Two Colas


I recently came across this historical story (thanks Shawn P.) and found it relevant to what’s going on today. Back in the early 20th century, several soft drink brands were vying for consumer’s attention and money. One young brand we all are familiar with was Coca-Cola. Another brand you may have never heard of was…

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Free Dan Kennedy Presentation

Dan Kennedy presentation

Dan Kennedy Presentation From March 2009 On March 12, 2009, during the “Great Recession”, I had the opportunity to host a private, special evening with world-renowned marketing strategist, Dan Kennedy, along with 323 entrepreneurs and business owners in the Philadelphia, PA area. I invited Dan to share his wisdom and insights on how to survive…

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3 Recommended Short Business Books


On this episode of 3 in 3, I’m recommending three short, but powerful books you’ve probably never heard of, that reside in my business book library, and are perfect when you only have 60 minutes or so and you want to make it a productive and profitable hour. So, get ready for 3 in 3!…

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3 More Good as Gold Marketing Ideas


On the last episode I shared three “as good as gold” tips to make your marketing stand out and get attention! On this episode, I am going to give you three more golden tips on how to make your marketing unique-looking and attention-grabbing. So, get ready for 3 in 3! High Impact Marketing Idea #1—Use…

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3 Good as Gold Marketing Ideas


On this episode I’m going to share three “as good as gold” tips to make your marketing stand out and get attention! Nobody can deny the value of gold and there are lots of fun ways you can leverage this connection in your marketing! I have used each of these ideas over the years and…

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3 Ways to Leverage PowerPoint in Unique Ways


Welcome to this episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi – where you get three High Impact Marketing ideas in only three minutes! I’m Mike Capuzzi and thanks for watching. On this episode I’m going to give you three tips to use PowerPointÂź to create valuable marketing assets for your business. Even if you…

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3 Examples of How to Create Urgency in Your Promotions


We all know that it is getting more difficult to get people we are marketing to to take immediate action on our promotions and offers. There are many reasons for this, but one thing we all must do is to constantly remind ourselves to do our best at creating real urgency in our offers. On…

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3 Cool Digital Photo Tools


On the last episode of 3 in 3, I shared three online tools that allow you to remove the background from your digital photos and on this episode, I am going to continue the theme and share three more online resources that do some really cool things with your digital photos and images, so get…

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3 Tools to Remove Photo Backgrounds


One of the most useful graphic image editing techniques, for business owners and marketers, is the ability to remove the background from a digital photo. This is important for using what I call “power poses,” which are photos of you with the background removed so you can place on top of any of your marketing…

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